How to Pay?

Simply make your payment via internet and mobile banking and enjoy automatic bill payment update with Anosh Online automatic billing system. Here is the step by step procedure on how to pay online.

Pay Bill through Mobile Banking

Login to your bKash account with your account's PIN number and tap on "পে বিল" option.

In "পে বিল" option you'll find "Anosh Online". Simply tab on it and follow the next step.

Now select your internet billing timeline in "বিল সময়সীমা" box & input your customer in "বিল একাউন্ট নম্বর দিন" box.

If you want to save the payment info for quick payment, you can simple tick the checkbox "ভবিষ্যৎ বিল পেমেন্টের জন্য একাউন্টটি সেভ করে রাখুন".

After that, tap the "পে বিল করতে এগিয়ে যান" buttom & hold the pay button for a few second. You're done!


Currently Bill Payment Options through (Bank, BKash Payment, BKash Personal)

Dhaka Bank

AC no: 230.109.0000044

Bkash Payment

Number: 01680 697123

BKash Personal

Number: 01915 766680